Best Online Sites to Compress your URL
URL’s are getting short day by day, people like to say things within 140 character on Twitter and that’s where these URL compressor sites come into the picture.
There are many online Web services, which let you compress your URL. You can use any of them, and here I’m creating a list of all such websites which you can use to shorten your URL.
It’s not an extensive list, but I’m using some of the best on the web, that you can use.

Update: Twitter now offers their own URL shortening service which is not open for public. When ever you tweet any thing on Twitter, it will be compressed using shortener. Infact, now many online services like Zite, Pulse offer their URL shortener. If you are a Blogger, you can use Yourls to create your own URL compressor site.
In this post I’m giving the Other Link Shorten URL which will make your work more handy.

Let me start with official Google URl shortener service call This is useful when you need extra details like where your link is clicked, link referrals, browser and system details. Very useful but again, don’t use it to compress your spam links. You can use service here. URL Compressor: (Affiliates should not use this link shortener)

One of my favorite service in the list as it offers API and you can easily use it with third party apps like Tweetdeck, Bufferapp and many more. I have been using it for a while and it offers detailed information regarding your compressed URL’s. They also offer one Chrome extension, which will make your work easier. I recommend you to create an account on, as most of Twitter related Web services, allow you to use URL service and your link will be shortened using their service. Check out
Note: It’s not recommended for Affiliate marketers to use

This is another popular URL compressor site by social media company Hootsuite. The tool is simple to use, as you can see in above screenshot, add your Long Url and click on Shrink to get a short URL.
The Unique thing about this service is that, you can choose your new shorten URL between 4 different domain and use which ever you like.Above all It’s Spam Free.
Yep The URl:
The Most Interesting part about this URL is it’s name and it’s easy and quick to use.
For now, these are the few online services which I can think of, but if you are aware of other services, do let me know via comments. Especially, if you are looking to hide your affiliate links using any of these sites, I recommend you to avoid it, as most of time affiliate links are marked as spam. Instead use Gocodes plugin in WordPress, which is free and easy to use.
There are many more URL compressor sites available online, but I would recommend to stick to above three. As they are never been marked as spam links, and you will have no issues while sharing shrink-ed link to your social media platform.
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